Zoey transforms from a typical teen to a savvy teenpreneur, learning how to generate passive income, grow her brand, and make her money work for her. Through strategic investments, financial literacy, and smart content creation, she builds a business mindset and inspires other teens to pursue financial independence.
- Released
- 2024
- Format and Delivery
- Digital/Printable/Downloadable, Physical Product
- Resource Type
- Storybooks
- Target Audience
- Middle Grades, High School, College/Postsecondary, Adult
- Languages
- English
- Contact Information
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Money-Dreams-Zoeys-Vlogging-Adventures/dp/B0DJTD26ZN/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1FJV7LSD40W5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fNPguSxEmlWZ-JxIaTUgl4Oa61xmN8uN7DhHiEer-yWuyyQjepx06CL83M65VRDnzomTmC95ra0tIMcLD_wgBBYp4e8y4rRCFGQwY99R4dgTiRsKD4iX_FwbvSn7j
- Submitted By
- Charles Aybar, Ph.D
- Contact Email
- caaybar@outlook.com